Dental Care Tips For People Of All AgesDental Care Tips for People of All Ages

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Dental Care Tips For People Of All Ages

Whether you came to this blog to learn about caring for your child's baby teeth or if you need information on dental implants, you'll find what you're looking for here. While we always recommend that you discuss your concerns with your dentist, our blog is an excellent starting point that can offer you immediate answers to some of your most pressing questions. This site not only provides our readers with the latest tips on dental care, but it also touches on ways in which chronic health conditions can affect your oral health. We want our readers to be well-informed dental patients and we hope we can help you do just that!



Accessing Dental Care For Children With Tourette Syndrome

Tourette syndrome is typically diagnosed before puberty, with most cases identified when a child is five to seven years old. A conclusive diagnosis is not immediately given, with physicians generally needing to note at least two recurring motor (physical) tics, along with a recurring vocal tic before determining that your child is in fact experiencing Tourette syndrome. These symptoms must be present (recurring) for at least a year, which accounts for the variance in the average age of diagnosis. But does being diagnosed with Tourette syndrome affect the way in which your child can access dental care?

Your Local Pediatric Dentistry Clinic

It's not as though your child now needs to see a special needs dentist. Your local pediatric dentistry provider is well-equipped to handle your child's dental needs, as few specialist provisions are necessary to offer treatment to a child with Tourette syndrome. One of the most important things is that the clinic and its staff can provide is a calm atmosphere, as some children with Tourette syndrome may have their symptoms (tics) triggered by anxiety.

A Specific Precautionary Measure

The utmost care will be taken when treating your child, and this can require a certain approach. Although it might feel excessive to sedate your child prior to dental treatment, this can often be a precautionary measure. Many dental implements are necessarily sharp, and if they're in use when your child experiences a physical tic, injuries become possible. Your child's dentist may suggest partial sedation (where your child is conscious but relaxed) before performing certain dental procedures. Nitrous oxide (laughing gas) is likely to be the preferred method of partial sedation. Remember, it's about relaxing your child (thus managing their tics) instead of rendering them unconscious.

Involuntary Teeth Grinding

Tourette syndrome can have a direct effect on a person's dental health. When tics result in involuntary teeth grinding, accelerated deterioration can be possible. Teeth grinding (known as bruxism) puts significant stress on teeth. Your child's dentist might recommend a night guard, which is a lightweight retainer to be worn during sleep, and prevents the upper and lower teeth from making direct contact with each other. Involuntary daytime teeth grinding may need to be addressed too. In extreme cases, a muscle relaxant can be required.

Although it can be distressing when your child has been conclusively diagnosed with Tourette syndrome, please remember that the condition is manageable, and won't create any obstacle for receiving proper dental care. For more information, contact a dentistry like New England Dental Specialists of Norwood.