Dental Care Tips For People Of All AgesDental Care Tips for People of All Ages

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Dental Care Tips For People Of All Ages

Whether you came to this blog to learn about caring for your child's baby teeth or if you need information on dental implants, you'll find what you're looking for here. While we always recommend that you discuss your concerns with your dentist, our blog is an excellent starting point that can offer you immediate answers to some of your most pressing questions. This site not only provides our readers with the latest tips on dental care, but it also touches on ways in which chronic health conditions can affect your oral health. We want our readers to be well-informed dental patients and we hope we can help you do just that!



4 Tips For Making It Through Having Braces As An Adult

Although many people associate braces with adolescents, the truth is that braces are not just for teenagers. Braces are a useful tool as well for adults who want to improve the appearance of their teeth as well. When it comes to getting braces as an adult, it can be helpful to have some tips on how to make it through the process.

Tip #1: Discomfort Is Normal

When you first get your braces, you are more than likely not going to feel comfortable wearing them for the first week or so. It is going to take you time to adapt to wearing your braces. You may find your tongue is constantly touching your braces, and that your jaw feels a little sore with this new addition to your mouth. This is natural and normal.

During the first week, you are going to want to put wax over your braces so your cheeks and tongue can get used to them without getting cut up. You are going to want to use a warm washcloth to reduce any pain you feel in your jaw. Don't worry, this discomfort will not stay the entire time you have your braces. You should get used to wearing braces quickly.

Tip #2: Adjust What You Eat

To make wearing your braces easier, you are going to need to make changes to your eating habits. If you regularly drink coffee or other dark-colored drinks, you are going to want to cut back. Dark-colored drinks can stain both your teeth and your braces, and if you stained your teeth when you have your braces on, you will be left with a little square that is brighter than the surrounding space on your teeth.

You are also going to want to avoid foods that are really sticky and chewy. It is a good idea to reduce the foods that you eat that are high in sugar and starch, as they can cause plaque to build-up more around your braces.

You should also consider eating softer foods and cutting your food up smaller before you eat to avoid food getting stuck in your braces.

Tip #3: Carry Around a Cleaning Kit

You are going to want to have a few cleaning kits. Stash one away in your vehicle, gym bag, and office drawer. Your cleaning kit should include lip balm, wax, mouthwash, floss, toothpaste, and a toothbrush. That way, you can clean your teeth after you eat and make sure your braces and mouth always look nice. Your teeth will come out in better shape if you take care of them while you have braces.

If you play sports, you are going to want to put a mouthguard in your cleaning kit and use it whenever you play any sport that involves contact.

If you are getting braces as an adult, be prepared for a little discomfort to start out. Adjust your eating habits to be easier on your mouth. Always carry around a cleaning kit so your teeth and smile look presentable.

For more information, contact a local braces service.